Easy, No Bake, Chocolate Truffles

These crunchy, chocolaty truffles bring back fond memories of visits to my gran. As children my brother and I would always go visit my gran during school holidays and she always had a tin full of truffles ready for us. We would sit outside with the tin and eat away, messing coconut everywhere, which is why we had to eat it outside. Not only did we get truffles when we went for visits but later it became part of our Christmas present and we would each get a box of truffles.

This recipe is so super easy to make and is great for getting children involved, letting them get their hands all sticky and messy while yours stays clean.

The first thing you need to get ready is the Marie biscuits, simply put it in a freezer bag and smash them with a rolling pin. This is a great way to get rid of any pent up tension or anger. You want the biscuits to still be quite chunky and not too fine.

Melt the butter in a mixing bowl and then add the apricot jam and the vanilla essence and mix it together. Add the icing sugar and cocoa powder next and mix until it is all chocolaty and relatively thick and sticky.

Add the Marie biscuits and mix well. If the mixture is still very soft you can put it in the fridge for about 30 minutes. 

Now comes the messy and fun part, roll the truffle mixture into small balls and then roll the balls in coconut until entirely covered. Store the truffles in the fridge and enjoy these easy, no bake, yummy chocolate truffles. 


  • 1 Packet Marie biscuits

  • 125 gr Butter/ Margarine

  • 125 ml Apricot Jam

  • 5 ml Vanilla Essence 

  • 250 ml Icing Sugar

  • 100 ml Cocoa Powder

  • 125  ml Coconut

How to Make Chocolate Truffles

  • Smash the Marie biscuits

  • Melt the butter in the microwave

  • Add the apricot jam and vanilla essence and mix well

  • Add the icing sugar and cocoa powder and mix

  • Add the Marie biscuits and blend well

  • Refrigerate for 30 min

  • Place the coconut into a bowl

  • Roll into balls and then roll in coconut until covered

  • Store in the fridge and enjoy!
