Zesty Lemon Bars

 If something has lemon in it and is nice and zesty I am always keen to try it especially if it is combined with a little sweetness. It took me a few tries but I finally got the base layer to lemon layer ratio. Of course you can decide for yourself how you prefer to make it, thinner base with thicker lemon or thicker base with thinner lemon, this recipe is great to play around with as you discover what ratio you prefer. 

This recipe consists of five simple ingredients, flour, sugar, butter, eggs, and lemon juice. You can also take your time when putting together your lemon bars, your base and lemon layer do not need to be ready at the same time. So take a breath, enjoy making the base and then calmly make your lemon layer while your base is baking!

The first thing you need to do is get your base ready, simply blend the flour, sugar, and butter together until crumbly but sticking together. Personally, I find it best to just get your hands messy and rub the butter into the flour and sugar, alternatively you can use a food processor. 

Once your base is ready, press it gently into the dish you are using. Bake the base for 15-20 minutes at 170℃, until the base starts to golden. I used a 21 x 21 cm dish, remember the size of the dish will affect the thickness of your layers.

While your base is baking, make the lemon layer. Briefly whisk the eggs, then add the lemon juice, flour, and sugar. Mix until well blended and the sugar has dissolved. You can also adjust the amount of lemon juice you add depending on how zesty you want your lemon bars to be. Let the mixture rest for ten minutes.

By the time the lemon layer has rested, the base should be finished or already out of the oven. Whisk the lemon layer again and then pour over your base. Bake at 170℃ for 20 to 30 minutes depending on how thick this layer is. It should be jiggly but not runny and the top should be a beautiful golden brown colour. 

Let it cool completely and then sprinkle some icing sugar over and cut to desired size. Serve up and enjoy! Store your lemon bars in the fridge.



  • ½ cup Butter (cut into small pieces) 

  • ¼ cup Sugar

  • 1 cup Flour

Lemon Layer

  • 1 ½ cup sugar

  • ¼ cup Flour

  • ¾ cup Lemon Juice

  • 4 Eggs

How To Make Lemon Bars

For the Base: 

Combine all the ingredients until well blended and crumbly but sticks together. Press into greased (spray with Spray and Cook) and bake at 170℃ for 15 to 20 minutes until it is starting to turn brown.

For the Lemon:

Whisk eggs lightly. Add lemon juice, flour and sugar and whisk until well mixed and sugar has dissolved. Rest for about 10 minutes, or until your base is ready. Whisk mixture again briefly and pour over base. Bake at 170℃ for 20 to 30 minutes, until set and golden brown, baking time will depend on how thick the lemon layer is. 

Once it has cooled, sprinkle with icing sugar and cut. Store the lemon bars in the fridge.
