Quick & Easy Roast Veg & Couscous

 This is just a very easy, quick, and healthy recipe that quickly became a favourite in our house, with us making it almost weekly. This is great for a light dinner or a delicious side, and can be enjoyed warm or as a 'salad'. 

Because this recipe is made for convenience, it is easier to just buy  a roast veg mix, rather than having to chop everything up. However, some vegetables that you can include if you want to make your own mix are; onion, butternut, carrots, sweet peppers, baby marrow, beans (if you like beans, personally you will never find beans in my food), and sweet potatoes.

Get your salt, pepper, herbs and oil ready with your vegetables. Place your vegetables on a oven try and then drizzle with oil and add your salt, pepper, and herbs.  You might want to cut some of the veg a bit smaller, especially if you have butternut to ensure all the vegetables are ready at the same time.

Heat the oven to between 180℃ and 200℃, and place your vegetables in the oven to roast! Roast for 40 to 60 minutes, stirring and mixing them after about 20 minutes. Vegetables should be soft and have started to brown. Once the vegetables are ready, you can switch the oven off and leave them in the oven until the couscous is ready.

Next, make the couscous by placing couscous in a bowl with salt and the same herbs used for the vegetables. Adding boiling water and let it rest for 5 minutes, then mix it up with a fork to make it all fluffy! 


It is time to put everything together now! Add your roast veg to the couscous and add mayonnaise and Italian salad dressing, mix well to make sure everything is coated with sauce. 

Finally, dish up and enjoy this delicious, easy, healthy meal! 


  • 800gr - 1kg Roast veg 

  • 5 tbsp Oil 

  • 2 tsp Pepper

  • 2 tsp Salt

  • 2 tsp Italian Herbs

  • 1 cup Couscous

  • 1 ¼ cup Boiling Water

  • 1 tsp Salt

  • 1 tsp Italian Herbs

  • 6 tbsp Mayonnaise

  • 5 tbsp Italian Salad Dressing

How To Make Roast Veg & Couscous

  • Preheat oven to between 180℃ and 200℃

  • Place roast vegetables on an oven tray and drizzle with oil

  • Add salt, pepper, and Italian herbs

  • Roast for 40 to 60 minutes, mixing the veg after 20 minutes

  • Place couscous in a large bowl, add salt and Italian herbs

  • Add boiling water to the couscous and let it rest for 5 minutes before fluffing it with a fork

  • Add the roast veg, mayonnaise, and Italian salad dressing to the couscous

  • Mix well, serve, and enjoy!
